torsdag 8. mars 2012


Oppgåve A

Du sitar på den trange, varme, bussen heim frå skolen ein fantastisk ettermiddag med sol og fuglar som kvittrar. Du var sliten, trøtt, oppgitt, sur, forvirret etter ein slitsam dag på skulen, og du ønskjer at det skal være stille, rolig, nocontact, no stress rundt deg. Men så kommer to eldre, og setter seg på de to øydelagte setene bak deg. De er av den veldig, plagsame, pratsame, slitsame sorten.

Oppgåve B

Når eg setjar ute på ein holme og rundt meg blåsar det kraftig og eg er svært redd. Eg sjår inn i ruta til fyrtårnet, men det er ingen der. Det begynte å regne kraftig og eg høyrde regnet slå mot rutene. Eg tok meg ein tur rundt huset, for å prøve å finne ein stein sånn at eg kunne slå inn ein rute eller noko. Eg var så redd for å frysa til døds.
Når eg spisar pizza blir eg glad, eg elskar smaken av oregano og stekt ost mellom leppane. Pizzaen smakte fantastisk, så fantastisk at eg åt hele dagen og natta, og neste morgon og dagen etter der. Eg skøynar ikkje kvifor ingen andre spisar pizza kvar dag. Og heimelaga er favoritten, smaken kan eg ikkje slutte å tenkje på, heil fantastisk. 
Oppgåve C

Personen er slank, lang og høg. Guten er alltid glad og har mange bra kommentarar, og er alltid positiv. Når guten har framføringar på skulen jobbar han alltid med ein video eller noko ekstra som skal gjere framføringa morosam. Enten det er norsk eller samfunnsfag. Sjølv om humøret nesten alltid er bra, kan han også bli litt sur om Liverpool tapar, som de ofte gjer. 

mandag 13. februar 2012

Sports are awesome

My favorite sports moment

The last weekend I experienced my greatest sports moment. The sport is called floorball, and can remind you of hockey without skates and a different stick. We (Oya IBK) played against a team called bakklandet/nidelv, and won. The great thing about this wasn’t just that we won the game, but also that we played very good together, and won the regional series. And we are now ready for the national group stage, which is located in Drammen the 25th-27th of March. I know that we are going to have fun in Drammen, and show the Bærum “snobs” who’s the best (not).
More about the game and our team, we are a team that usually does really badly in the first period, but finally for a change we did really good the first period and won it 5 to 0. Our team was strongly handicapped and we were barely enough people for a full team. There are 6 players with keeper and we were only 8. Since we were so few people we had to play good in periods, and got tired very fast, so we had a tactic that we were going to run fast in periods of the match, and be defensive in other periods of the match. We ended up following this tactic and we won the game 6-1. Unfortunately we did have any celebration at the end, but we were really happy with our achievement and we are really looking forward to playing versos the best teams in the country.

onsdag 8. februar 2012

The curious incident of the dog in the night time, likes and dislikes

My personal opinion about the book is that it is a good and bad book, even though there are some slightly things that I disliked. There were many things that I liked about the book, such as all the different drawings (made the book different from other books,) the plot, the different thoughts that Christopher had, and the way it was written. What I liked about these things were that for example, the book would not have had any meaning if it weren’t for the 1st person narrative, because this gave you the inside thoughts of a child with asperger. The plot was interesting to follow, and it was awesome to read that Christopher developed so much throughout the story (in a positive way). Also the drawings in the book were quite interesting, because this is something that most authors don’t use, and it is actually quite funny to look at some of the drawings and get to see the perspective of what the author means with the book, and the feeling of you knowing where you are.
There were also sadly some things that I disliked about the book, for instance the long sentences were sometimes hard to follow, and I fell out a few times, and had to read the sentence over again to fully understand what he meant. So overall I liked the book more than I disliked it, and I would love to read another book from Mark Haddon.

fredag 6. januar 2012

Oversettelse sang fra Engelsk til Nynorsk

A drop in the ocean,                
A change in the weather,
I was praying that you and me might end up together.    
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert,
But I'm holding you closer than most,
'Cause you are my heaven.

I don't wanna waste the weekend,
If you don't love me, pretend
A few more hours, then it's time to go


Ein dråpe i havet 
Ein skilnad i vêret 
Eg bed for at du og eg skulle ende opp samen sin 
Det er som og ynskja for regn som eg står i ørkenen 
Men eg holdar deg nærmare ein alltid 
Fordi du er himmelen min 

Eg ynskjer ikkje å kaste bort helga 
Om du ikkje elskar meg, latt som 
Eit par fleire timar, så er det tid til å gå 

Veit du kva for ein bok eg snakar om?

torsdag 17. november 2011

Looting ‘fuelled by social exclusion’

1.       The difference between looting and rioting. Looting contains many other different factors than rioting. For example it is a less violent act, less dangerous, and it is also more spread through people. By that I mean that children, women and old people includes in this act. And rioting is less stealing, and more pure violent acts, and destroying.
2.       Social exclusion, means that people in a group, excludes another person. And one person is left alone.
Disregard social norms, means that people in the society don’t care about the social norms that we have.
High-unemployment, means that a lot of people are not employed, and don’t have legal work.
Criminologist, is a person that works within the theme criminology.
Opportunism, or opportunistic behavior means that one party takes use of their knowledge to make the other party make interest in their theme.
Lack of intervention, ????
Consumerism, ????
3.       Of course can this also happen in Norway. Because one day our economic might also change for the worse, and we will end up in a bad economic position and people has to start stealing to get enough to live for. 
4.       The social conditions in England are very bad. Because they have the class system, giving “more” rights to the rich people rather than the poor people. More and more people become poorer, and less becomes richer, which means that more people have to loot to get food, or clothes etc. And the lower classes start planning riots, to get the rich people attention, and to get the governments attention, and try to make them give more to the poor people, and less to the rich people. 

søndag 23. oktober 2011

Last Post!

This is my last post about Australia, and i wanted to tell you guys something about one of my favorite persons. Steve Irwin aka The Crocodile Hunter. He is one of Australia's most famous persons, but unfortunately died in an accident with a sting ray a few years ago. But hes still a big hero for the country. And i am very sad that i don't have enough time to visit his zoo, which is have heard is one of the best attractions in Australia, Hope i will come back soon to this beautiful and extrordionary country one day.

-Peder out!