søndag 23. oktober 2011

Last Post!

This is my last post about Australia, and i wanted to tell you guys something about one of my favorite persons. Steve Irwin aka The Crocodile Hunter. He is one of Australia's most famous persons, but unfortunately died in an accident with a sting ray a few years ago. But hes still a big hero for the country. And i am very sad that i don't have enough time to visit his zoo, which is have heard is one of the best attractions in Australia, Hope i will come back soon to this beautiful and extrordionary country one day.

-Peder out! 


I have been to the beautiful city Sydney for two days now and today I just got to Canberra, which is the capital of Australia. The buss ride over to Canberra was wonderful. Enjoying the beautiful landscape. Looking at the all the different species they got. Anyways, today i have been shopping for the rest of my money. Since this is my last day here. I've bought a didjeridu, which is a famous Aboriginal instrument. I've also bought some clothes.Since no one knew the colors on the Australian flag. Will i just write them down here. Blue, white and red.
P.S, There is one thing that i don't like about the country, and that is how they treat some of the animals. I've heard that they are shooting Camels. Because they are overpopulated. But i think that the ecosystem will eventually take care of it.


The oprah house!

Greetings fellow readers! Today i have been to the most magnificent building i have ever saw, the oprah house in Sydney. Even though i have only been to Australia for about 2 days. I can still say that they are pretty awesome people. For example earlier today i sat on the buss on my way over to get something to eat, and the person next to me said, "Hi, mate. How you doing?" And i was like "Hi, I am doing great thanks, what about you?" This is something that usually people in Norway says, but i really enjoyed just the "hi," because it feels like you are appreciated even though you are from another country.

Hope you enjoyed it! And by the way, do you know the colors on the Australian flag?



Hi, today i have had an amazing day. I've been surfing at the beaches in the beautiful city, Sydney. Sydney is not the capital of Australia which many people thinks. It is actually Canberra which is located a bit more south in the country. The Aussies has a lot of beautiful women's, especially in bathing suits. By the way, i am going to visit Canberra as well, and see what attractions they've got. But, i first have to look at what i can do i Sydney. If you have got any suggestions, please leave a comment. And yes! I am going to visit the oprah house of Sydney, so stay update on mu blog and i hope you enjoyed it.


fredag 7. oktober 2011


Han smelte igjen boka, og kjente at aggresjonen hopet seg opp. Han hadde ingen motivasjon for denne «drit» prøven. Og lese i panorama gjorde det ikke akkurat noe bedre. Panorama er «norsk» boka for første videregående. Motivasjonen for norsk forsvant når vi fikk denne boka. Jeg bestemte meg for å ta en tur ut og få tankene på noe annet og håpet at jeg en dag skulle få tilbake motivasjonen til å skrive eller lese. 


Panorama er en norsk tekstbok, laget for elever på første videregående. Boka har en forside og en bakside. Forsiden består av et bilde av en mann som sitter i en bil og stirrer på deg med skumle øyne, som prøver å få «oppmerksomheten» din, men for å si det mildt «failet» det. Boka har et antall på alt for mange sider, og boka er ikke spesielt spennende heller. Uansett om det er masse som er kjedelig i boka, er det alltid like artig å smelle igjen boka å legge den lagt ned i sekken. 

torsdag 6. oktober 2011

Travel Blog!

Hi there, fellow readers!
In this post am i going to write about the country that i chose to travel to. Even though there are a lot of different countries that i would love to visit, like India, Canada, South-Africa and a lot more, but I ended up on Australia. I am starting the travel from Værness Airport tomorrow morning at 6 o'clock. I'll be blogging under the trip and have fun!
